
My Baby Rocks!

Mommy dilemmas. Mommy (& Daddy) Dilemma #1 "Why won't she sleep?" my husband asks in the middle of the night, after en...

Mommy dilemmas.

Mommy (& Daddy) Dilemma #1

"Why won't she sleep?" my husband asks in the middle of the night, after enduring a bout of our baby's cries, disturbing his otherwise deep slumber.

"She wants to be carried, Honey," I tell him.

"Sway me! Sway me! Sway me! Or else I won't go to sleep," the baby cries.

Without a doubt, it's a joy being able to carry your baby, swaying him/her to sleep. But it does get tiring and it's a bit difficult to enjoy it in the middle of the night when you're awoken from dreamland.

"We should get her a rocker. It will coax her to sleep," my husband says.

"Should we?" I ask.

*     *     *     *     *

My baby ''ROCKS''! 

To buy or not to buy?

Many old folks and experts are against the use of swings/rockers as it develops an undesired habit for the baby -- the mandatory need to be rocked to sleep.

Let's face it.

We're not able to attend to our baby every single time. These baby gear were designed to help cut some slack for parents:

1. Baby-wearing

As we know, babies love to feel the warmth of our bodies, reminding him/her of their time back in the womb. Being close to us makes them feel safe and comfortable.

Baby wear does just that.

There are many types of baby wear:

Mothers are great at multi-tasking and at times, we need our hands free of the baby to get some work done. This method is ideal for this purpose. You can fasten your baby/toddler securely body-to-body, and you're all set.

Baby wear these days come in soooooo many designs (and pretty expensive too!).

2. Bouncer/Swing/Rocker

Just like baby wear, bouncers/swings/rockers have evolved massively -- image and function wise.

It started with the traditional baby hammocks made out of kain batik...

...to sophisticated, manual ones that come with vibration/music:

...to electronic ones:

We bought a rocker and it has proven to be successful, but still subject to our baby's mood and level of sleepiness.

My next dilemma would be, what happens when we travel and my baby is longing to be rocked to sleep but I'm without the needed gear???

But yeah, my baby rocks! :-)

Mommy Dilemma #2

Finding out the gender of my baby during pregnancy was indeed a milestone. Of course, there was no preference to having a baby boy or girl, but once known, we were able to firm up the baby's name...and the shopping was narrowed down!

Most baby stuff come in two colours: PINK and BLUE (if not white, that is).

From cotton buds to towels to bath tubs.

With the first child on the way, I couldn't help but go all out in buying most things pink when the doctors were sure of the baby's gender. Plus with some whites on the side, just in case.

My dilemma kicked in recently.

If I've bought everything in pink, what if my next child (in shaa Allah) is a baby boy? Will I have to buy everything again, but in blue? Poor baby if he gets pink hand-me-downs.

Am I thinking too far ahead? Probably.

I tell myself, take it one step at a time. Focus on the baby you have now. I also assure myself that it's OK - she's my first baby - it's fine for the parents to go a little berserk. Experience will make us wiser.

Sigh. Mommy dilemmas!

But do you know what the ultimate and constant mommy dilemma is?

Am I doing the best for my baby?

One step at a time!

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