
PART I: My Labour Story: What? It's Showtime??!

As I'm writing this, it's been a little over a week since the delivery of my baby girl. While it's still fresh in my memory, I t...

As I'm writing this, it's been a little over a week since the delivery of my baby girl. While it's still fresh in my memory, I thought I should get this penned down now...

...at least the crux of what I remember on what went down.

But let's rewind a little.

❤️ Prenatal Check-ups 

I had chosen to be with Dr. Seri Suniza, a very reputable gynae at Prince Court Medical Centre (PCMC) who's highly sought after. It took a while for me to see her for the first appointment after making a booking, but the wait was worth it. She is simply amazing. She's a super friendly doctor who not only acts as your gynae but makes it a point to get to know you and your spouse. Apart from having the needed medical skills and knowledge, Dr. Seri puts your mind in a positive place, is always reassuring and gets you pumped up for THE day. She will quickly fend off any baseless notions of pregnancy and childbirth out there to be replaced with legitimate medical advice. I looked forward to each consultation with her and Alhamdulillah, my pregnancy was smooth sailing and uneventful.

❤️ Prenatal Class 

PCMC conducts prenatal classes for couples once every two months. Being first-time parents, I insisted that hubby and I attend. Running from morning til afternoon, the itinerary involved talks on topics like diet, labour, pain management and baby care. The talks were brief (about an hour each), but served as a good eye-opener, especially for those in it for the first time.

Learning the proper exercises for pregnant women and breathing techniques for labour

❤️ Labour Prep Session  

Nearing your due date, you may also have a private session for labour prep. Again, being first-time parents, this was a must! We were introduced to Neng, a physiotherapist at PCMC's Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Department.

The session, which lasted for two hours, started in the labour room -- an unoccupied one of course. I was at my 38th week when we had the session, a stage where I could have already gone into labour! Hubby and I had already seen one of the labour rooms, upon request during our last check-up. You know, to get the 'feel'. The labour room looks just like any other room in the maternity ward, with a television, bathroom, sofa bed, etc. but added with the necessary medical equipment for labour and for the baby.

Neng explained what labour is and touched a little on hypnobirthing which involves the psychological 'warfare' of the mother. I've termed it 'warfare' because, if you look it up, it means the employment of a weapon to influence the mind of the enemy.

Got some cool jargons there.

In this context, the enemy is the fear of going into labour and the weapon is the mother's state of mind. The state of mind can affect the outcome of labour and childbirth. Personally, I really do think hypnobirthing can help ease and in some way reduce labour pain. Pain is inevitable, but there's a way to handle it.

Not the labour room, but where the session continued at.

She told us what the labour process would entail and the different types of pain relief available. With all the ongoing debate about the pros and cons of the epidural, Neng emphasised that instead of pre-opting to avoid it at all costs because of its presumed side effects, the mother should first take into account the welfare of the baby. Yes, mothers who do not take epidural are given the salute, but if the administration of epidural would help the mother bring the baby safely into this world, what more is there to consider?

My birth plan consisted of my openness of taking the epidural, if necessary. I could not say for sure at the time, since I had no clue as to how labour pain would feel like.

She also taught us pre-labour exercises and the correct breathing techniques for labour. Hubby was tested for this, because he would have to help me apply the correct breathing technique during the different stages of labour.

The session was absolutely helpful, giving the hubby and I a clearer picture of what was to happen. Thank you, Neng!

❤️ The Night of 17 February

I experienced one of the signs of labour - slight bleeding. It was like the start of Aunty P's monthly cycle.

It's not a definitive sign of labour as compared to having your water break or having regular, consistent contractions. I was already feeling contractions prior, but in an irregular pattern, which is normal hence no need for alarm. While water breaking indicates that labour is imminent within a certain amount of hours, bleeding or having bloody show indicate that the cervix is preparing itself for the birth of the baby but labour does not necessarily happen immediately after that. It could take days even.

I remember our physiotherapist telling us that if my water breaks, there is no need to rush but it was definitely time to make a trip to the hospital. Once it breaks, going back to sleep is a no-no, at least until you are in the care of the hospital.

As it was during the night, I had already showered and was ready to go. Took my time to do some last-minute things (even though I was so nervous), in the event that I had to be admitted that night. At this time, I was not feeling a regular pattern of contractions but the surges were getting stronger.

Bleeding at 39 weeks, I became a 'fast lane' or priority patient upon arriving at the Emergency Department. I was wheeled into the labour room not long after for the nurses to strap me to the CTG machine. The machine monitors the baby's heartbeat as well as the mother's pattern and level of contractions. Each time I experienced a contraction, the numbers went up.

So how does contractions feel like?

That was a big question mark throughout my pregnancy, until I felt it myself. People have described it as amplified period cramps, which is true. I would also illustrate it as heightened diarrhea but coupled with a strong compression of the muscles in the stomach area. For me, my stomach literally lifted itself up during a strong contraction, or at least it seemed that way. If you're reading this, don't be terrified! It's nothing you can't bear. Your body was designed for this. It's a natural process.

*Cue hynobirthing thoughts!*

Upon checking the readings of the CTG machine, the nurse could see that the baby's heartbeat was fine and that my contractions were regular! So next, she had to conduct a vaginal examination (VE) or internal pelvic exam to check whether there's any dilation.

"Okay, takde laluan lagi," the nurse said.
"Boleh balik rumah, tapi kalau ada sakit-sakit lagi, datang je terus ke hospital."

There was no dilation yet which meant I was not in labour! Back home we went.

❤️ That Night Still...

We reached home at about 1:00am.

My contractions became stronger and more regular. I thought it would only last through the night and subside in the morning as how it did at times before.

But it kept going.
I could not sleep through the whole night.

❤️ The Next Day

My mother insisted for me to go back to the hospital but I was toooooooo tired from not sleeping. 

So I slept. 
While being in and out of pain due to the contractions. 
Sleep deprivation prevailed over contractions at this point of time. 

I finally decided to go to the hospital late in the noon even though getting more sleep was a tempting idea. We wanted to beat traffic as it was a weekday. PCMC is located smack in the city centre so this was a big factor to consider (apart from my contractions!).

Then, I had bloody show. This prompted me even more to get to the hospital.

By the time I was strapped to the CTG machine again for the same process, it was already night. The baby's heartbeat was fine and my contractions were regular. 

AND I had dilated 4cm.

If dilation is beyond 3cm, you're considered to be in active labour. 

Right after the nurse conducted a VE, she said, "Okay, confirm tak boleh balik rumah. Dah 4cm."

I was surprised and......excited.

My parents and in-laws were informed, and so the wait had begun.    

❤️ It's Showtime! 

This is what happened next. 


1. The nurse inserted medication through the anus to stimulate bowel movement. It was ideal that I pass motion before giving birth so that I don't soil the baby. Though if it happens, it's normal. 

Not too long after, I had to go. 

2. The nurse gave a jab at the booty, for the administration of a painkiller. She told me it will make me drowsy to help cope with the pain, and in no time I was already feeling like going to sleep. 

3. The nurse asked whether I wanted epidural as it could already be administered at this juncture. I was still able to manage the pain at the time, so I told the nurse it was not necessary but I am open to it in the event I decide I need it.  

4. The next thing I knew, my contractions were getting more painful. The nurse told me to take the laughing gas. This, with the painkiller really helped shift my focus off from the pain. I was drowsy and high. I was in and out of drowsiness that I knew the nurses were regularly checking my dilation but I couldn't concentrate on what was happening or how much I had dilated and at what time. All I knew was that my husband stood by my side the whole time. :-) What's written here is partially based on his account of events that night. 


5. Still very drowsy, I was 'awoken' by verrryyyy strong surges. By then, I realised by gynae was already in the labour room, ready to welcome my baby! The nurse had informed me earlier that she will only be called when I'm close to dilating at 10cm, which is when the pushing starts, so I knew the baby was coming.  

6. The contractions were so strong at this point, it definitely gave me the urge to push. It felt exactly like having constipation with the difficulty of passing motion, but of course much more amplified during labour. 

7. My gynae and the group of nurses in the labour room were SUPERB. They were pros in guiding me and giving instructions, on how to react to the pain and when to push. When it wasn't time to push but I felt like pushing, they told me to hold it in. Every time I had to, I took more of that laughing gas. Although my husband was supposed to help me with the breathing, the nurses were there to take on the reins, of course. The way they did it though, instilled no fear at all in me. I was comfortable and able to follow through. 

Pushing Time!

8. I remember the gynae brushing off my breathing (in a friendly manner) at the start of pushing. 

"Breath correctly, remember what Neng taught you. Ini panting laaa!" she said. The nurses laughed a little. 

"Okay Nadia, pushhhhhh!"

Again, with the help of my gynae, nurses and my husband I was able to breath and push correctly. 

Each time my gynae told me to push, it was at the very time my contraction was at its strongest and I definitely felt the urge to push. 


9. Twenty-eight minutes later, I welcomed a beautiful baby girl. 

The baby was given to my hubby for him to whisper the azan in her ears, before being placed on my chest for bonding. 

Alhamdulillah!!!!! My baby!!! My husband and I talked to her for a while, before the nurses continued with the routine checks on her.   

"Assalamualaikum, little one," we said.

Alhamdulillah again, I managed to troop through the
first stage of labour - dilation period; and
second stage of labour - crowning and birth of baby.

The [final] third stage of labour is the delivery of the placenta and stitching (episiotomy). At this stage, I did feel what the doctor was doing but there was no pain. 

Still drowsy, I was relieved and grateful everything went fine. It was so surreal. I realised we are strong enough to endure labour. That it does not have to be traumatic at all.

Next, major exhaustion kicked in......

*  *  *   

[To be continued in the next entry!]  

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